RANKINGS: WORTH IT? Most recently, we have presented essays on the process of selecting an architecture program; see below for the topics and links to the essays. Today, we will focus on Rankings and discuss their merits; ultimately, are they worth it? Resources for Program Research https://www.archcareersguide.com/resources-for-program-research/ Resource: Architecture Programs https://www.archcareersguide.com/resource-architecture-programs/             Architecture Programs            …

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QUESTIONS TO PONDER To start with, we are discussing your future as an architect.  Specifically, your future as an architecture student.  Before we discuss today’s topic, here are the more recent essays listing on the website; check them out to catch up. Resources for Program Research Resource: Architecture Programs Architecture Programs 2021 Career Days /…

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ARCHCareersGuide.com Resources

ARCHCAREERSGUIDES.COM – RESOURCES Over the past few months, ARCHCareersGuide.com has expanded its resource offerings.  Below are those new resources and links to them. PATH: EDUCATION: SELECTING A PROGRAM During much of the fall, we have outlined the process of Selecting a Program.  In all, it covered the following topics. Selecting a Program Why Architecture? What…

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SELECTING: RESOURCES FOR RESEARCH Thus far, our series on Selecting a Program has addressed two topics: 1) Why Architecture and 2) What does an Architect do? On the surface, you may not think these two topics help you select an architecture program, but they do. Now, we direct our focus on the resources available to…

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SELECTING: WHY ARCHITECTURE? So, the last essay started a series of essays on the topic of Selecting a Program.  Well, the first step is to answer the question – Why Architecture? Why Architecture? Why do you desire to become an architect? Have you been playing (building) with Legos since you were a young child? Did…

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SELECTING A PROGRAM – WHAT TO KNOW So, you wish to become an architect – Congratulations!  But what is the process – Just recently, we outlined the three major steps, namely 1) education, 2) experience, and 3) examination.  You are encouraged to review these steps are we start our next discussion on “Selecting a Program.”…

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