Architecture Programs

Below is a listing of NAAB Accredited / Candidate Programs as listed from NAAB; this list was created using AirTable (  For each program, the following information is provided: Institution, Region, Academic Unit, City, State, Country, Website, Email, and Degrees.

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Also, do you wish additional information on each program, let us know and we can explore including.  If you find mistakes or omissions, please contact us so we may update accordingly.

BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURE (BArch): is an undergraduate five-year degree typically for students coming directly from high school.

MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE (MArch 5YR): Somewhat like the five-year BArch, this degree provides the professional graduate degree in five years.

PRE-PROFESSIONAL BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (B.S.) + MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE (MArch 4+2): Often known as a 4 + 2, this path to the accredited degree involves first obtaining a pre-professional architecture bachelor of science (B.S.) degree followed by the professional master of architecture (M.Arch.).

UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE (B.A./B.S.) IN FIELDS OTHER THAN ARCHITECTURE AND MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE (MArch 3+): With an undergraduate degree in an academic field other than architecture, one may also pursue a professional master of architecture program.  Depending on the institution, this accredited M.Arch. will take between three and four years of study to complete.

DOCTOR OF ARCHITECTURE (DArch): As a professional degree, the doctor of architecture (D.Arch.) is currently available only at the University of Hawaii.  The program is from 3-4 years in length.

Architecture Programs (view larger version in new window)